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JoMAPH Vol 1 No 1, June 1 2021
Sl. No. Volume – I Page No.
1. Authors: B.K. Tyagi,  B. Reddya Naik 01-08
Paper Titles: Why can the Mosquitoes and the House flies not transmit the Novel Corona Virus (nCoV OR SARS-CoV-2)? An update of Arguments
2. Authors: Rina Tilak, Vivek Anand 09-14
Paper Titles: Mite and Tick-Borne disease in India : Challenges and the way forward
3. Authors: Kalpana Baruah, Nandini Arora, Hitakshi Sharma, Amit Katewa 15-32
Paper Titles: Dengue in India : Temporal and Spatial Expansion in Last Two Decades
4. Authors: B.K. Tyagi 33-47
Paper Titles: A synopsis of Taxonomic Data on the extant Species of Mosquitoes in India, with an annotated note on additional Taxa Described after Tyagi (2020)
5. Authors: Seena Kumari, Sanjay Tevatiya, Meenu Kalkal, Veena Pande, Rajnikant Dixit 49-66
Paper Titles: Multifunctional role of Heme Peroxidases in Hematophagous Insects : A novel Target to alter mosquito physiology
6. Authors: Sajal Bhattacharya, Shakya Sinha, Tanuka Ghosh, Chandrima Bose 67-78
Paper Titles: Mosquito-Plant Interaction with reference to Eco-Epidemiological Importance : An exploratory review
7. Authors: Sagya Singh, Nitin Kulkarni, V.N. Khanna, Pramod Kumar Sinha, Sushant Kumar 79-91
Paper Titles: Mass drug administration with Triple Drug Therapy for elimination of Lymphatic filariasis – First exposure in Simdega, A tribal district of Jharkhand, India
8. Authors: A. Usha, R. Manjushree, T./N. Purushotham, P.K. Srivastava 93-112
Paper Titles: Malaria Elimination and Outbreaks : Are we losing the battle? A case study of Malaria outbreak in solar power project, Tumakuru, Karnataka
9. Authors: Devi Shankar Suman, Gaurav Sharma, Souvik De, Kailash Chandra 113-120
Paper Titles: Hulecoeteomyia Fluviatilis Leicester, 1908 (Diptera : Culicidae) : A new container breeding mosquito
10. Authors: A.B. Sudeep, S.P. Gunjal, P.A. Sonawane and M.D Gokhale 121-129
Paper Titles: Sand fly Fauna of Pune City, Maharashtra, India : Revisited after 40 years
11. Authors: R. Balasubramanian, V. Arathy Nadh, S. Sahina, Mangesh D. Gokhale 131-137
Paper Titles: Effects of water salinity on the development and survival of Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus
12. Authors: Madhurima Seal, Soumendranath Chatterjee 139-148
Paper Titles: Laboratory studies on ovipositional Preferences of Malaria Vector Anopheles Subpictus prevalent in Hooghly District, West Bengal, India
13. Authors: Vijay Veer, Sajal Battacharya, B. Reddya Naik 149-184
  Paper Titles: Professor Dr Brij Kishore Tyagi – on his 70th Birthday